Join Our Community

Should your business join the Make A Difference Community?

Does the idea of other human beings suffering from hunger in Australia upset you?

Do you agree that hunger simply should not exist in a caring and wealthy country like Australia?

Are you concerned your life is passing too quickly and you are not making a positive impact in the world?

If you are nodding enthusiastically please answer these questions.

Do you aspire to creating a dynamic work environment for your employees?

Do you like the idea of your business “giving generously” as a major way of standing out from your competitors? Your giving becomes an investment where you expect a financial return. This makes the giving sustainable as it directly attracts new clients, builds deeper relationships with employees and will even help you grow your margin!


The Make A Difference Community concept was born on the back of the Harvard Study in 2011 that coined the term “Shared Value”.   
Read more here.

Many trillions of dollars flow around the world economy.

The vast majority of social challenges can be solved by the charities that already exist.

What charities need is a reliable flow of cash so they can focus on achieving their vision. Unfortunately, most charities have to invest a large part of their resource raising money before they can focus on their objective. This model is broken and needs to be replaced with “Shared Value”.

It is our view that business has the most critical role to play in solving social challengers that exist in our world.

This will be driven by “conscious consumers” who understand they have the power to contribute by carefully choosing where they spend their money.

Businesses take their money from the community. The community should only reward businesses that give back generously – simple!

What are my obligations if I am accepted as a member of the Make A Difference Community?

1)  There is no administration or membership cost.

2)  As a member you must include in your marketing and communications that you are a “Proud Member of the Make A Difference Community. Dedicated to eradicating hunger in Australia.”

It can’t be a “hidden” thing that is rarely mentioned in your communications with clients or prospects.

3)  You need to decide on how much you are going to donate from your sales. Every sale you make must fund food. Your contribution must be “generous” and you will need to justify the ratio of gross profit to giving before you will be accepted as a member.

4)  Donations must always be expressed as KG’s of pasta.

5)  You must promote the members of the Community at every opportunity to your clients and prospects. Together we will attract more like minded clients and business owners. Hunger in Australia is dumb. It makes no sense at all and there is absolutely no reason why it can not be eradicated.

6)  You must promote the Make A Difference Community products to your employees, clients and prospects. Every product funds a specific amount of food and helps cover the administration of the Make A Difference Community.

How does the giving work?

The total amount of food donated is celebrated by all members of the community.

In the first week of every month you will be notified with how much food was purchased and delivered in the previous month including which charity partners were supported.

All members pay their cash donations into the Make A Difference Food Fund.

100% of the money you donate is used to purchase food.

This account is independently audited and the details shared with  members every month. Management of Make A Difference Community will decide which charities receive the food donations.

The food is always purchased by Make A Difference Community and then delivered to the charity. This ensures all members can guarantee the exact amount of food that is being funded from specific transactions. There is no administration costs and we buy the food in bulk at very low prices.

Is Make A Difference Community a charity?

No. We are a social enterprise that guarantees to donate a minimum of 50% of our profit to help eradicate hunger in Australia.

Our overheads are covered by members promoting the sale of the Make A Difference Community products. This is what enables there to be no cost to be a member of the community.

When a member pays their monthly contribution to the Food Fund it is not a donation. This money should be treated as a marketing expense for tax purposes. You will receive an invoice for all contributions.

How does that all sound?

Are you searching for more meaning in your day to day business life? Do you like the idea of creating a huge point of difference over your competitors while helping others at the same time?

If yes, consider applying to join our Make A Difference Community. Imagine how inspired your clients and employees will feel knowing they are directly helping to eradicate hunger in Australia.